


date of birth

May 7, 2008



black tortie tabby mackerel / white



NFO f 09 23


SIRE / father

Junior T van Yjovi, NFO n 09 23

DAM / mother

Phielixcat's Eline, NFO f 09 23
  BARN / offspring Tom Poes, litter May 27, 2013













Irina is born in our cattery, in Bragalund's second litter - the Narniakittens

and is the mother of Bragalund's sixth litter, Tom Poes.



A small compilation of photo's is displayed below.

Many more pictures can be found in Irina's album in the “Photo gallery”, or click here.


2 years



1½ years



9 months



7½ months



6 months



4 months



13 weeks



9 weeks



6 weeks



3 weeks



Many more pictures can be found in Irina's album in the “Photo gallery”, or click here.






